How to remove dark circles at home

How to remove dark circles at home

Specific types of fruit, vegetables, herbs and plants have proven their ability to provide effective treatment for dark circles, if accompanied by a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Recognize the following highlights:

Fig and Option:

The fig fruit is rich in dietary fibres, antioxidants, calcium, and iron. For use in the treatment of dark halos, this fruit is placed in the refrigerator for cooling and then cut in half before applying to the eyes for about 5 minutes. The cucumber consists of 95% water and is a natural means of moisturizing the eye's surroundings. This type of vegetable contains copper which promotes collagen formation and is used after cooling as circuits applied to the perimeter of the eyes for a few minutes.

Chamomile and green tea:

Chamomile soak is known for its anti-halo effect and swollen pockets. It is enough to add a tablespoon of dried chamomile to a glass of boiling water, leave the mixture for about 5 minutes before filtering and dip cotton circles into it, the latter being placed in the fridge before applying to the eyes and leaving it for about 10 minutes.

Green tea has antioxidant properties. In the field of combating dark halos, green tea soak is used in the same way as chamomile, i.e. by dipping cotton circles with green tea soak and then refrigerating them before applying them to the eyes.

Lemon juice and honey:

Lemon is a very rich fruit with antioxidants and has many benefits in the prevention of certain cancers and risks of heart disease. As for the treatment of dark halos, lemon juice is used for application to the perimeter of the eyes by cotton circles for 10 minutes. It is recommended to repeat this step every evening until the desired results, and lemon juice can be mixed with a little olive oil for a moisturizing and dehydrating effect for dark circles at the same time.

Honey is known for its therapeutic properties as an antimicrobial, scar-twinning, and a warrior of dark circles. It is enough to add a teaspoon of honey to half a glass of lukewarm water and then dip cotton circles with this solution and apply them to the eyes for about 10 minutes before rinsing the surroundings of the eyes with water.
