Ways to boost your mood

Ways to boost your mood

Experts advise daily exercise, a healthy diet, good sleep and meditation. Four potential good lifestyle habits with benefits have been studied, as follows:

Healthy Diet

• Omega-3 foods such as walnuts, salmon and sardines act as natural antidepressants by increasing serotonin production in the brain.

Regular daily exercise

• Increases levels of serotonin neurotransmitter known to be low in people with depression.

• Releases endorphins, natural neurotransmitters that feel better in mood.

• Activates the secretion of dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with the feeling of motivation.

• Builds confidence when exercise goals are achieved and improves mood.

• Eliminates self-critical concerns and ideas.

Good and enough sleep

• Deep sleep and REM sleep are essential for memory, focus, awareness and stable mood.

Meditation Practice

• Stimulates the vagus nerve, improves the emotional organization of the self.

• Directs brain activity away from the amygdala, the center of alarm or fear in the brain.

• Reduces the tendency to ruminate disturbing or frustrating thoughts.

• Better focus, mood and awareness of the present moment.
