Best diet to lose weight

Best diet to lose weight

Tips that work best for you. and your body to get rid of excess weight. As follows:

1. Black or Green Tea Cup

Nutritionists advise eating a cup of black, green or Chinese tea before meals, as all contain theanine amino acids, which promote relaxation and mindfulness.

2. Exercise

Exercise, especially cardio, helps in weight loss.

3. Reduce dairy products

Cheese, whole milk, butter and sour cream contain extra calories. Rather, once half the usual amount of milk is consumed and added to the coffee, a clear difference in body weight will be observed.

4. Half plate veggies

Half the dish in the main meals with steamed vegetables. It can be accessorized with flavor by adding lemon, spices and herbs. Not butter or oil. Vegetables are then eaten first, to get a sense of satiety from low-calorie foods filled with fiber.

5. Drinking water when you wake up

Dr. Metri concludes her advice to make it his daily habit to drink water when he wakes up directly, explaining that "drinking water is one of the most important parts of a healthy weight loss plan."
