Home beauty products

Home beauty products

Things at home that contain 100 percent natural ingredients and are effective in providing solutions to many of our cosmetic problems. Here are 5 new ways to take care of skin, face and hands that you can find in your kitchens.

Youth Enhanced Dark Chocolate Scrub

Dark chocolate has its enhanced features for skin youth. To prepare this peel, it is recommended to dissolve 3 squares of dark chocolate in a bowl to be placed in a hot water bath, to be added after melting a tablespoon of ground almond powder and a tablespoon of mineral water. Apply to clean skin and massage for 5 minutes with circular motions before rinsing with water.

Coffee leftover mask for eye surroundings

Coffee spaghetti has many features in the cosmetic field, so it is included in the formula of facial skin care mixes and scalp. To prepare a mask for this sensitive area of the face, it is recommended to mix 1 teaspoon of coffee spleen with egg whites and 1/2 teaspoon of honey. Leave this mixture for 5 minutes on the perimeter of the eyes before rinsing thoroughly with water.

The first benefit of coffee spindle in the cosmetic field is related to its earthy and homogeneous form, which is also easy to use as a body or scalp peeler by mixing it with conditioner. The caffeine in coffee has the ability to dissolve keratin and thus remove dead cells and is a stimulant to the microbloody cycle.

Skin Purified Basil Lotion

To prepare a refined and tonic lotion at home, a puree of about 30 leaves of green basil is sufficient to obtain a cumbersome formula and then add two cups of boiling water before leaving it for a few minutes and then filtering it for basil water. This lotion is used in the morning and evening by wiping it with a cotton piece on the skin to take advantage of its purified effect, it can be kept for a week in the fridge and it is an effective treatment for pimples that appear on the skin.

Vegan steam bath to tighten pores

To prepare a steam bath with purified skin characteristics, it is enough to add a set of mint leaves, thyme, parsley to a bowl of precious water and then expose the face to its steam for about 5 minutes after covering the head with a towel. Combining the benefits of plants with water vapour is excellent for skin purification. Peppermint helps to contract expanding pores and promotes recovery. It also has a thoroughly disinfectant and depleting effect that helps treat acne. Parsley has a stimulating and skin-purifying effect. It is recommended to use this steam bathroom once a week.

Tan sugar scrub to enhance hand smoothness

This mixture contributes to the care of the skin of the hands and nails, to prepare it is enough to add a tablespoon of tan sugar to a tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice. This mixture massages circular movements for a few minutes on the hands. Its benefits come from honey houses by nourishing the skin, preventing infections, and the effectiveness of olive oil in softening and smoothing skin tissue. Lemon juice contributes to nail whitening and has a disinfectant effect. Sugar granules exfoliate the skin and rid it of dead cells accumulated on its surface.
