How to protect your skin from the sun

How to protect your skin from the sun

The sun can be safely exposed by reducing its adverse effects on the skin, after a new generation of sunscreen protections is detected as skin and hair shields with effective ingredients in the fight against premature skin aging.

Special care for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin suffers from rapid exposure to external factors and is rapidly reddened when exposed to the sun. This type of skin needs fragrance-free and colored protection cream to avoid any allergies. It is recommended to select types with UV-proof agents from Category A, and 100% metal filters for skin that do not withstand chemical filters. Preference remains for species tested on sensitive skin, containing soothing and moisturizing ingredients as well as a protection factor of at least 50spf.

Bronze skin without wrinkles

Ultraviolet radiation is accused of being primarily responsible for the skin's premature aging, with type B reaching the upper layers of the dermis while type A affects skin tissue in depth causing damage to collagen fibres. To protect the skin in this field, preference remains for creams that combine UV filters, antioxidant elements, hoarding-boosting hyalurini acid, and fiber protectors that are responsible for skin durability.

Attention to specific areas

Some areas of the body and face remain neglected and sometimes unprotected when exposed to the sun: the lower neck, the perimeter of the eyes and lips. They are very sensitive areas, so they need to be taken care of by applying custom protective cream formulas. The most practical is that solid formulas that take the form of "steak" are easy to carry in a handbag.

Prevention of Intentional Spots

Most brown spots can be avoided thanks to the regular application of sun protection cream. They selected the types with a high protection number with the effect of A-class ultraviolet radiation in both short and long types. Avoid direct exposure to the sun at peak hours.

Pre-emption via dietary supplements

Enhanced nutritional supplements for skin tans are rich in bitacarotin, lycopene and carotenoid. It allows skin to prepare for sun exposure and protects it from allergy. It is recommended to take these supplements in the form of a cure throughout the summer, they improve the quality of tans and maintain their stability.

Attention to hair too

Hair suffers just like skin from premature aging when overexposed to the sun, so it is recommended that you spray it with a high-oxidant protective spray before direct exposure to the sun outdoors or on the beach, with hair washed at the end of the day and moisturized once a week.

Need to use post-sun cream

After-sun cream has anti-wrinkle properties, rich in hyalurini acid that moisturizes skin.
