Teeth whitening at-home

Teeth whitening at-home

Bleach at home is superior to consumer market products, as the majority of teeth whitening products contain chemicals, which can pose a risk to some individuals' health. There are many natural and safe options listed below:

1. Electric Brush

Using an electric toothbrush with a circular brush head that swings, rotates and pulses is the most effective way to remove stubborn lime layers, which result from having coffee and tea.

2. Coconut oil

Using coconut oil as a mouthwash (brushed) can help reduce bacteria and eliminate accumulated layers of lime on the teeth, thus helping teeth become brighter again. Coconut oil can replace or supplement tooth brushing if it is difficult to start with.

3. Interdental cleaning

Dental floss and interdental brushes are the best ways to prevent discolouration and tooth decay by switching between them before each brushing process. Bleached mouthwash is helpful, as it dissolves color and prevents any new change in color as well.

4. Hydrogen peroxide-free products

There is a significant disadvantage in the use of bleaching gel products that typically use hydrogen peroxide as bleaching agent. Hydrogen peroxide can also cause increased tooth sensitivity, resulting in pain. Therefore, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide-free products or to strengthen tooth enamel by making their surface softer, making the smile look whiter.
