Treatment of panic attack

Treatment of panic attack

Panic attacks cause a frightening feeling in people who experience it. The term "panic attack" refers to a sudden and rapid feeling of extreme fear that leads to severe physical symptoms that may lose control of one's own. Various tips to prevent or control panic attacks, which are as follows:

1. Keep Mindfulness Alert

Mindfulness can help you avoid feeling disconnected from reality caused by panic attacks, involve exercising mindfulness, focusing your attention on the present and realizing your condition, meditating to reduce stress and anxiety and help you relax.

2. Exercise Light

When feeling stressed or breathing difficult, you should take a break or choose a moderate activity such as walking, swimming or yoga.

3. Deep Breathing

Hyperventilation is a symptom of panic attacks that can increase fear, and in return deep breathing can reduce symptoms of stress and panic during an attack.

4. Imagine something delightful

Targeted fantasy techniques may reduce stress, spending time outdoors or even imagining landscapes can help treat and confront anxiety.

5. Knowledge of panic attack symptoms

The infected person can remind himself as much as possible that the symptoms he feels during the seizure are temporary and will pass and he is fine.

6. Lavender

Lavender oil as a traditional treatment can help reduce stress and help relax.
