New hair loss treatment

New hair loss treatment

A new discovery may help with the treatment of baldness. Since hair loss is a problem of the times, researchers and experts do not hesitate to find a solution that ends this dilemma.

In new research, the drug "minoxidil", which is used by spraying, and is the most used drug in dealing with the problem of shedding and mild hair, has another more effective form.

Doctors have confirmed that they have recently discovered that taking it in the form of pills is more effective, as "minoxidil" works by using existing enzymes, in hair follicles to stimulate new hair growth.

Recently doctors found that taking it orally in the form of pills, will lead to its decomposition of the active form that leads to faster hair regrowth.


"Minoxidil" has been available in pharmacies since the 1980s as a spray spray on the scalp, to relieve loss and help hair growth in bald areas, as it was approved as an adjunct in the regrowth of hair lost to men in 1988 and women in 1992.

While no approved trial has been conducted, from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for minoxidil in the form of pills yet, or approval.
