Some drinks cause acne

Some drinks cause acne

There are some common drinks, which can negatively affect the skin, so they should be avoided to keep acne at bay, as follows:

1. Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks cause acne over time. Even drinks with low sugar content contain synthetic substances and tints harmful to human health.

2. Cocoa Drink

Many enjoy a cocoa drink, but it may not be a suitable option for someone with acne. Chocolate contains milk and sugar, two ingredients that can exacerbate acne and cause an immune response to the microorganisms that cause it.

3. Soft drinks

Soft drinks are a popular drink, but drinking soda or flavored soda water can damage skin health and cause acne.

4. Bovine milk

While milk can be considered a healthy drink, it can cause acne to appear due to existing growth hormones. If the skin is susceptible to acne, the best to reduce the intake of bovine milk.
