Symptoms of food poisoning

Food poisoning is a disease of the digestive system, due to eating contaminated meals, containing bacteria and parasites.

Following some health guidelines helps avoid food poisoning, including not cutting fish and meat on the same vegetable chopping board, and washing the hand well before preparing food.

It is important in the treatment of food poisoning to consume large amounts of fluids, to compensate for the body's loss of fluids and salts, as well as to eat various types of hot herbs, and to eat apples, bananas and black tea.

Symptoms of food poisoning, namely:


The victim has acute abdominal pain; caused by the production of toxins by microorganisms, which irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines.

But this supply alone cannot be evidence of the existence of food poisoning, and also not all food poisoning occurs as a result of abdominal pain.


Food poisoning exhausts the whole body, and headaches are a common symptom of that condition, the effect of poisoning on the body with dehydration and fatigue.


A basic symptom of food poisoning, what bacteria cause in the gut and make them absorb fluid and water less, and in some cases diarrhoea can cause dehydration of the body's lost fluids, so when this situation occurs it is necessary to drink large amounts of water and eat herbs.

In order to ensure that the situation reaches dehydration, the colour of the urine must be monitored.


Food poisoning causes contraction of abdominal muscles, lifting of the diaphragm and high acidity in the stomach, which causes vomiting status.


Nutritional poisoning affects the body as a result of stress from the recurrence of vomiting and diarrhoea, the patient feels completely sick throughout his body.


The body temperature increases when developing food poisoning, rising from normal 36-37 ° C to 40-41 ° C.


As a result of high body temperature, the body gets chills and sweats, as the body chills to try to ease the fever.


This display occurs as a result of the immune system releasing immune molecules, and anorexia so the patient should take an appropriate respite after recovery.
