
Showing posts from April, 2023

Treatment of constipation at home

Treatment of constipation at home There are some natural ways to treat constipation rather than taking medication, such as oils, exercise and herbs. The most prominent ways to treat constipation at home: 1. Use castor oil as natural softness Castor oil is known as laxative and a natural gut stimulant, which has been used for many years as a natural treatment to relieve constipation and discharge of the intestine. 2. Eating olive oil to stimulate bowel movement Olive oil is a common natural recipe used to treat constipation, and one study has shown that eating 4 millilitres of olive oil may help relieve constipation symptoms. The benefits of olive oil lie in softening the inner walls of the intestine. 3. Drinking water in appropriate quantities Dehydration often leads to constipation, so drinking water in appropriate quantities helps to maintain body moisture, helps to regularize bowel movement and prevent constipation. 4. Drinking natural herbs Many resort to treating herbal constipati

Dementia treatment at home

Dementia treatment at home Follow the following tips to prevent dementia, neurological degradation and cognitive impairment: Seasoning Adding spices such as turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, rosemary and ginger can give a taste and smart flavor to diets, each of which has beneficial health properties for the brain, but to improve mood. Olive Oil Virgin olive oil is excellent for brain health, and its consumption is associated with reduced dementia and Alzheimer's disease, due to its pivotal role in encouraging the autophagy process of cleaning the body's cells. Leafy vegetables Leafy vegetables, such as spinach and dandelion, are a great source of folic acid, whose lack of levels causes some neurological conditions and dementia. Improving folic acid levels in the body has beneficial effects for brain health and cognitive age. Berries and colorful vegetables Antioxidant and inflammatory elements in colorful berries and vegetables contribute to enhancing memory and improving brai

How to reduce anxiety at home

How to reduce anxiety at home Anxiety and stress can be treated in many ways, including cognitive behavioral therapy CBT, and home natural methods that can help reduce anxiety in general are as follows: 1. Physical Activity Regular exercise offers significant benefits to the health of the body and mind for several reasons, including distracting from what can be alarming, as well as raising heart rate and altering brain chemistry to provide more space for anti-anxiety neurochemicals. 2. Quitting smoking Smokers often search for a cigarette during difficult times and start feeling stressed and anxious, but it is a quick solution that exacerbates the problem of anxiety disorder over time. 3. Reducing caffeine intake Caffeine can cause anxiety disorders, while reducing caffeine intake significantly improves anxiety symptoms. 4. Meditation and mindfulness Meditation relieves anxiety and stress. which can lead to a sense of calm and satisfaction by increasing resilience and acceptance of all

Treatment of panic attack

Treatment of panic attack Panic attacks cause a frightening feeling in people who experience it. The term "panic attack" refers to a sudden and rapid feeling of extreme fear that leads to severe physical symptoms that may lose control of one's own. Various tips to prevent or control panic attacks, which are as follows: 1. Keep Mindfulness Alert Mindfulness can help you avoid feeling disconnected from reality caused by panic attacks, involve exercising mindfulness, focusing your attention on the present and realizing your condition, meditating to reduce stress and anxiety and help you relax. 2. Exercise Light When feeling stressed or breathing difficult, you should take a break or choose a moderate activity such as walking, swimming or yoga. 3. Deep Breathing Hyperventilation is a symptom of panic attacks that can increase fear, and in return deep breathing can reduce symptoms of stress and panic during an attack. 4. Imagine something delightful Targeted fantasy techni

Best Foods for Brain Health

Best Foods for Brain Health Integrating those foods into the diet strengthens memory, improves mood and helps the mind to work most efficiently: 1. Spices and spices Spices and spices help the brain fight harmful free radicals and thus prevent oxidative stress that can damage tissues. Turmeric is one of the distinctive spices to reduce stress and anxiety. Eating saffron significantly reduces depressive symptoms compared to placebo. 2. Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate is an excellent source of iron, helping to form a cover that protects neurons and helps control the composition of chemicals that go into mood provided they do not contain much sugar. 3. Avocado Avocado contains relatively high amounts of magnesium, which is important for appropriate brain function. The possibility of rapid recovery from severe depression in less than a week is most likely. 4. Nuts Nuts contain healthy fats and oils that the brain needs to work well, and contain essential vitamins and minerals. Experts advise

Homemade drinks to help you sleep

Homemade drinks to help you sleep Adults need 7 hours or more of night sleep, so focusing on the good choice of bedtime drinks is one of the main factors that can give better night sleep. Drinks help to sleep. The following: 1. Milk Drinking milk at night can help you relax before bed. It can be drunk, inter alia, in the form of warm milk, hot milk cocoa or even turmeric milk. Milk helps to relax and de-stress. Although "there is no scientific evidence, but it is enough that at the end of the day it is a drink full of nutrients before bedtime and can help some sleep better." 2. Chamomile Tea Chamomile use for centuries as a natural treatment, for many conditions such as lowering blood sugar, reducing inflammation and treating cold symptoms. Chamomile is probably useful in improving the quality of sleep, reducing the physical symptoms of sleep failure. 3. Lavender Tea Lavender was used as a form of aromatherapy and is widely believed to produce hypnotic effects, act as a mood

Causes of hair loss

Causes of hair loss If you suffer from hair loss without knowing the real cause, know that there are the most common causes in this area that you know: 1. Psychological stress Going through periods of psychological stress, as a result of life problems, affects hair health. This shedding may last for months but the effect of this factor is staggered and the hair returns to growth again regaining its usual intensity after this difficult period. 2. Diet An unbalanced diet can cause hair loss. This problem is widespread among people who undergo very harsh palliative diets, while its solution is linked to a return to a balanced diet that ensures the body in general and hair in particular. 3. Hairdressing Tools The most common tools in this field are the electric dryer and the straightening tool that results in high heat causing damage to hair fibers, and their overuse causes them to fall out. The solution in this area is to limit the use of these tools and not to abandon high-temperature pr

Best diet to lose weight

Best diet to lose weight Tips that work best for you. and your body to get rid of excess weight. As follows: 1. Black or Green Tea Cup Nutritionists advise eating a cup of black, green or Chinese tea before meals, as all contain theanine amino acids, which promote relaxation and mindfulness. 2. Exercise Exercise, especially cardio, helps in weight loss. 3. Reduce dairy products Cheese, whole milk, butter and sour cream contain extra calories. Rather, once half the usual amount of milk is consumed and added to the coffee, a clear difference in body weight will be observed. 4. Half plate veggies Half the dish in the main meals with steamed vegetables. It can be accessorized with flavor by adding lemon, spices and herbs. Not butter or oil. Vegetables are then eaten first, to get a sense of satiety from low-calorie foods filled with fiber. 5. Drinking water when you wake up Dr. Metri concludes her advice to make it his daily habit to drink water when he wakes up directly, explaining th

Summer skin care routine

Summer skin care routine In the summer, some suffer from pale or tan skin or the appearance of acne and pimples due to severe dehydration, high temperatures and accompanying sweat, all of which accelerate the skin aging process. Health experts advise drinking gallons of water to maintain our body's water balance, but just drinking water is not enough to get healthy skin, if you also need a protein called "collagen." Which is the most important protein for skin with a healthy appearance and gives it flexibility and strength, one third of the total body protein. But collagen production begins to slow down with age. Collagen-rich foods Collagen is available in many daily foods "mostly naturally in animal proteins; Plant foods also contain a number of important nutrients that help to produce collagen in our bodies ", collagen-rich foods as follows: 1. Chicken Many studies from around the world have found that some parts of chicken, specifically neck and cartilage, a

Anti aging

Anti aging in its broad concept of health concern to prevent health problems with age, but because there is no cure or medicine at the moment or yet prevents aging. Anti-aging tips are as follows: 1. Sun Prevention Research suggests that exposure to sunlight causes about 80% of facial aging. UV damage can include: Skin sagging Fine lines and wrinkles Irregular pigmentation whether dark or white spots So, attention should be paid to using sunscreen products. 2. Vitamin E Vitamin E is an essential element to protect skin and skin in any case for the following reasons: UV absorption. Slows skin aging because as an antioxidant it gets rid of free radicals. Soothe inflammation and dehydration, including reducing redness and skin dryness caused by external irritants. 3. Niacinamide Niacinamide is a common skin care and anti aging ingredient, a form of vitamin B3 that gives skin the following advantages: Promote continuous moisturization of the skin. Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, because

Home beauty products

Home beauty products Things at home that contain 100 percent natural ingredients and are effective in providing solutions to many of our cosmetic problems. Here are 5 new ways to take care of skin, face and hands that you can find in your kitchens. Youth Enhanced Dark Chocolate Scrub Dark chocolate has its enhanced features for skin youth. To prepare this peel, it is recommended to dissolve 3 squares of dark chocolate in a bowl to be placed in a hot water bath, to be added after melting a tablespoon of ground almond powder and a tablespoon of mineral water. Apply to clean skin and massage for 5 minutes with circular motions before rinsing with water. Coffee leftover mask for eye surroundings Coffee spaghetti has many features in the cosmetic field, so it is included in the formula of facial skin care mixes and scalp. To prepare a mask for this sensitive area of the face, it is recommended to mix 1 teaspoon of coffee spleen with egg whites and 1/2 teaspoon of honey. Leave this mixture f

Treatment of alopecia areata and hair loss

Treatment of alopecia areata and hair loss A new discovery may help treat alopecia and baldness. A team of scientists has made a pivotal discovery about the behavior of the main cells in the follicles, identifying a previously unknown role for a molecule competent to issue signals to stem cells important for hair growth. It also focused on research and studies aimed at demonstrating how they could be produced from stem cells or 3D versions, for example, many of which raised some promising possibilities. SCUBE3 signaling molecule As part of the efforts of a UCLA team of scientists to seek new treatments for alopecia areata or baldness, models were designed from lab mice with highly active skin papillary cells, which led to excess hair growth. By observing how papillary cells activate signal molecules, scientists were able to come up with a new hair growth treatment, discovering a signaling molecule called SCUBE3, which was then validated by experiments on human follicles. New results In

Milia removal at home

Milia removal at home Milia are small white bumps that appear on the skin of the face. Preventing their appearance is possible and getting rid of them needs specific steps, applied at home or in a dermatologist's clinic. Milia causes Milia species appear in newborns as well as adults, and the reasons for their emergence after puberty are numerous. Between two types of milia: primary and secondary, in the first case this forms white bumps as a result of the accumulation of keratin due to a dysfunction of the mechanism of disposal of dead cells resulting in a blockage of the skin's pores and the formation of small milia. In the second case, milia is the result of obstacles that appear in the vessels leading to the skin's surface after a wound, burn, or excessive sun exposure but also after laser treatment or chemical peeling. Women are more affected by this cosmetic problem than men. Due to the use of cosmetics is not suitable for the nature of the skin. It has caused an alle

New hair loss treatment

New hair loss treatment A new discovery may help with the treatment of baldness. Since hair loss is a problem of the times, researchers and experts do not hesitate to find a solution that ends this dilemma. In new research, the drug "minoxidil", which is used by spraying, and is the most used drug in dealing with the problem of shedding and mild hair, has another more effective form. Doctors have confirmed that they have recently discovered that taking it in the form of pills is more effective, as "minoxidil" works by using existing enzymes, in hair follicles to stimulate new hair growth. Recently doctors found that taking it orally in the form of pills, will lead to its decomposition of the active form that leads to faster hair regrowth. Oral "Minoxidil" has been available in pharmacies since the 1980s as a spray spray on the scalp, to relieve loss and help hair growth in bald areas, as it was approved as an adjunct in the regrowth of hair lost to men in

How to protect your skin from the sun

How to protect your skin from the sun The sun can be safely exposed by reducing its adverse effects on the skin, after a new generation of sunscreen protections is detected as skin and hair shields with effective ingredients in the fight against premature skin aging. Special care for sensitive skin Sensitive skin suffers from rapid exposure to external factors and is rapidly reddened when exposed to the sun. This type of skin needs fragrance-free and colored protection cream to avoid any allergies. It is recommended to select types with UV-proof agents from Category A, and 100% metal filters for skin that do not withstand chemical filters. Preference remains for species tested on sensitive skin, containing soothing and moisturizing ingredients as well as a protection factor of at least 50spf. Bronze skin without wrinkles Ultraviolet radiation is accused of being primarily responsible for the skin's premature aging, with type B reaching the upper layers of the dermis while type A af

Natural treatment for lung infections

Natural treatment for lung infections Many people become infected with hard-to-treat lung infections, but there is hope for a new treatment based on antibacterial honey. Researchers considered the possibility of employing the properties of manuka honey, which is formed by a species of bee that feeds on tea tree flowers, is particularly effective. Manuka honey, along with hydrogen peroxide chemicals found in all types of honey, also contains an antibacterial compound. Laboratory model of lungs In addition, researchers pulled samples of Mycobacteria from 16 patients, and they were placed in a laboratory model of the lungs. They then used sprays that produced a good spray of inhalable liquid, containing a combination of manuka honey and a commonly used antibiotic called amicacine. Indeed, the combination eliminated bacteria, requiring an amicacine dose of 2 ug per millilitre, while the usual effective dose was at least 16 ug per millilitre when the drug was administered by conventional me

Home Remedies to Remove Dark Spots

Home Remedies to Remove Dark Spots Dark spots on the face are common cosmetic problems resulting from excessive sun exposure, hormonal disorders, Treatments available for elimination are numerous. treatments to remove dark spots:   Pineapple slices Pineapple fruit helps lighten the skin naturally thanks to its rich vitamin C, as well as the skin's moisturizing bromelain enzyme. It is enough to gently rub the place of dark spots with pineapple slices and then leave this mask on the skin for several minutes to dry before rinsing with lukewarm water. 3 times a week can be repeated until the desired result is obtained.   Flour Flour helps lighten the skin, treat acne problems, cost and contribute to moisturizing the skin and delaying the appearance of wrinkles. It is enough to mix two teaspoons of flour with one teaspoon of fresh milk and apply this mixture with cotton stick to the pigments, then leave it to dry before rinsing with lukewarm water and moisturizing skin.   Alum Powder Sh

Tasty fruit to help you sleep fast

Tasty fruit to help you sleep fast A recent study concluded that eating fruits at night can help a person sleep, and kiwi fruit can play the role of a person's hypnotic. Kiwi fruit can help improve the quality of sleep, sleep timing, and sleep efficiency after a month of regular consumption of this tasty fruit before bed. Kiwi fruit contains high amounts of antioxidants, which can help treat sleep disorders as well as help reset your sleep schedule. In addition to eating kiwis, those wishing to sleep well at night should discontinue caffeine 10 hours before bedtime, noting that caffeine is present in coffee and soft drinks, noting that its exit from the bloodstream requires 10 hours. To reduce the chances of disturbed sleep, a person must do all this on a regular basis. Regularity helps maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Adherence to a specific sleep and wake time will help keep the body regular, providing the best opportunities to have seven to nine hours of quality sleep at night

Positive mental health

Positive mental health There are things that can be done to improve mental health and mood without spending money or exerting effort and time, Tips for Positive mental health: Physical Training Mental health benefits are improved by exercise, such as relieving anxiety or improving mood. Exercises can also enhance self-confidence. Setting sleep priorities Lack of sleep causes further depression and bad mood. In order to obtain positive mental health, you must determine enough time to sleep, relax before bedtime and stop, use computer and phone. Enjoy the sunshine Sunlight promotes serotonin in the brain, which improves mood, and promotes positive mental health. When a person does not get enough sunlight, serotonin levels decrease, resulting in a seasonal emotional disorder. Rationalization of social media Continuous use of social media increases symptoms of anxiety and depression, and affects mental health. Experts recommend setting a certain time to social media, taking advantage of th

How to overcome depression without medication

How to overcome depression without medication Depression has been a disability since ancient times. Depression sometimes forces a person to lose interest in life altogether, and to deal with depression, as follows: Changing the surroundings Depression can be associated with a certain place and time, and the solution to this impasse can be travel and migration. If living in a particular place does not help with depression, perhaps careful thought should be given to transmission. For example, if living in a modern culture like the United States exacerbates depression, migration to traditional and community culture can be an appropriate option because changing environments will force one to see life from a different angle, which can help treat depression. Learn a new language Language is the centre of thought and emotions. Learning a new language is a good training for the brain because it expands its worldview and changes the process of formation of the marrow in the brain. Although lear

How to remove dark circles at home

How to remove dark circles at home Specific types of fruit, vegetables, herbs and plants have proven their ability to provide effective treatment for dark circles, if accompanied by a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Recognize the following highlights: Fig and Option: The fig fruit is rich in dietary fibres, antioxidants, calcium, and iron. For use in the treatment of dark halos, this fruit is placed in the refrigerator for cooling and then cut in half before applying to the eyes for about 5 minutes. The cucumber consists of 95% water and is a natural means of moisturizing the eye's surroundings. This type of vegetable contains copper which promotes collagen formation and is used after cooling as circuits applied to the perimeter of the eyes for a few minutes. Chamomile and green tea: Chamomile soak is known for its anti-halo effect and swollen pockets. It is enough to add a tablespoon of dried chamomile to a glass of boiling water, leave the mixture for about 5 minutes before

Ways to boost your mood

Ways to boost your mood Experts advise daily exercise, a healthy diet, good sleep and meditation. Four potential good lifestyle habits with benefits have been studied, as follows: Healthy Diet • Omega-3 foods such as walnuts, salmon and sardines act as natural antidepressants by increasing serotonin production in the brain. Regular daily exercise • Increases levels of serotonin neurotransmitter known to be low in people with depression. • Releases endorphins, natural neurotransmitters that feel better in mood. • Activates the secretion of dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with the feeling of motivation. • Builds confidence when exercise goals are achieved and improves mood. • Eliminates self-critical concerns and ideas. Good and enough sleep • Deep sleep and REM sleep are essential for memory, focus, awareness and stable mood. Meditation Practice • Stimulates the vagus nerve, improves the emotional organization of the self. • Directs brain activity away from the amygdala, the c

New treatment for diabetes

New treatment for diabetes A new clinical trial to slow down the progress of type 2 diabetes. Outpatient surgery can be performed in the early stages of diagnosis and delay the need for insulin injections. Serious health complications Insulin hormone helps to treat glucose, but people with type 2 diabetes, prolonged high blood sugar levels can lead to more serious health complications. Avoid insulin injection therapy In the early stages of the disease, many patients can control and cope by changing lifestyle and diet, or oral medications, but ultimately often evolve to the stage where insulin needs to be injected regularly. Twelve lined cells The procedure targets the twelve surgical procedures, the first section of the small intestine. Twelve play a key role in digestion, including regulating levels of insulin and glucose in the blood. In people with type 2 diabetes, there is damage to the cells lining the twelve, and the hypothesis of the experiment is that removing these cells helps

How to remove blackheads at home naturally

How to remove blackheads at home naturally The beginning of spring is the perfect time to rid the skin of irritating blackheads. Many home treatments have proven effective in treating blackheads. They do not visit the Beauty Institute for a skin cleaning that eliminates this type of pimple. Preparation and care The skin should be prepared to facilitate the process of removing Ziwan, and the preparation takes the form of a steam bath that helps to soften the skin and expand its pores thereby increasing the effectiveness of the removing mixtures, Enough to place the face over a bowl of hot water to which a few drops of purified tea tree oil have been added and then cover the head with a towel for 5 minutes so that the skin is ready to be rid of blackheads by the following mixtures: Moisturized cucumber lotion Cucumbers moisturize the skin more than any other type of plant ingredients, so it is recommended to squeeze it and use this clotion juice for the face that cleans and moisturizes t

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally The cortex results from dehydration of the scalp or from skin problems including sebaceous dermatitis, psoriasis, or even a type of fungus. Their treatment often depends on specific types of shampoo that contain zinc, coal tar, but there are also natural and easy treatments that have proven effective in eliminating this cosmetic problem between women and men. Recognize the following highlights: 1. Coconut Oil Coconut oil has proven its effectiveness in the field of veneer treatment, as well as leaving it on hair a beautiful and refreshing smell. It is enough to massage the scalp, leaving it for an hour, before washing hair as usual in shampoo. 2. Lemon juice Lemon juice has the same efficacy as cider cider vinegar in the treatment of the cortex. Lemon acidity helps rebalance the skin's acidity ratio and prevents the appearance of the cortex. Massage the scalp with two tablespoons of lemon juice before rinsing thoroughly. This step can

How to be happy

How to be happy Some look for happiness, peace of mind and positivity. Here are some tips: 1. Don't compare yourself to others Comparing your life to someone else's life and achievements can be a criterion of success, but comparison with others should be abandoned or minimized because it can turn into a state of jealousy that destroys one's life. 2. Get rid of resentment You can feel stronger and more happy if you forgive those who abused you. These attempts help to gain more self-control and win psychological peace and emotional well-being. 3. Live the Moment Positive people feel absolutely happy when they live in the moment. They tend to focus on success and happiness and on those who share the occasion. 4. Love yourself Happiness is to learn to love yourself and feel comfortable with it, whenever those facts are accepted early, a person can quickly accept the flaws, with which he was born, whether their social background, skin colour, nose shape or whatever. 5. Dispensin

Symptoms of food poisoning

Food poisoning is a disease of the digestive system, due to eating contaminated meals, containing bacteria and parasites. Following some health guidelines helps avoid food poisoning, including not cutting fish and meat on the same vegetable chopping board, and washing the hand well before preparing food. It is important in the treatment of food poisoning to consume large amounts of fluids, to compensate for the body's loss of fluids and salts, as well as to eat various types of hot herbs, and to eat apples, bananas and black tea. Symptoms of food poisoning, namely: Convulsions The victim has acute abdominal pain; caused by the production of toxins by microorganisms, which irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines. But this supply alone cannot be evidence of the existence of food poisoning, and also not all food poisoning occurs as a result of abdominal pain. Headache Food poisoning exhausts the whole body, and headaches are a common symptom of that condition, the effect

Beware of contact lenses

Beware of contact lenses A young man in Florida became partially blind after falling asleep in contact lenses. In details of the terrifying story, Michael, 21, a Miami student, told him that he had a 40-minute nap while wearing his daily sticky lenses. When he woke up, his eye was red, but he ignored it and removed the lens, and during the days, he slowly lost his sight. Flesh-eating bacteria A month later, doctors finally diagnosed him with a flesh-eating bacterial infection known as corneitis (AK), which can cause permanent and significant loss of sight. Experts draw attention to a rare bacterial infection. Infectious bacteria are usually harmless and very common. It is found in lakes, oceans and soil. It also has access to tap water, heating and air conditioning units. But when you enter the eye through fine tears and scratches, you can cause an infection. At higher risk Experts point out that anyone wearing contact lenses is at risk. But people wearing contact lenses at night are a

Teeth whitening at-home

Teeth whitening at-home Bleach at home is superior to consumer market products, as the majority of teeth whitening products contain chemicals, which can pose a risk to some individuals' health. There are many natural and safe options listed below: 1. Electric Brush Using an electric toothbrush with a circular brush head that swings, rotates and pulses is the most effective way to remove stubborn lime layers, which result from having coffee and tea. 2. Coconut oil Using coconut oil as a mouthwash (brushed) can help reduce bacteria and eliminate accumulated layers of lime on the teeth, thus helping teeth become brighter again. Coconut oil can replace or supplement tooth brushing if it is difficult to start with. 3. Interdental cleaning Dental floss and interdental brushes are the best ways to prevent discolouration and tooth decay by switching between them before each brushing process. Bleached mouthwash is helpful, as it dissolves color and prevents any new change in color as w

Best Drink for weight loss

Best Drink for weight loss Coffee with lemon helps in losing weight, getting rid of obesity, and improve the health of the digestive system. Benefits of lemon coffee after meals 1. Detox Coffee and lemon contribute as a natural way to detoxify, help the body get rid of any toxins and bring a clean and refreshing flow system to the body. 2. Increased fat burning Increases fat-to-energy efficiency, as one of the best ways to reduce unwanted weight. 3. Gastrointestinal Improvement Coffee contains caffeine that works best to improve the digestive system, avoiding body fat formation. 4. Improved metabolism in the body Food effectively contributes to energy and provides the whole body with oxygen. 5. Hormone stimulation Stimulate hormone formation, which can help avoid fat and prevent cardiovascular disease, and can provide effective energy in the body. 6. Improved bowel movement The gut helps in the process of digesting food, avoiding the possibility of fat in the gut, which prepares the bo

How to lose belly fat in women

How to lose belly fat in women The fat around the stomach is one of the worst fats, which must be dealt with. Increasing abdominal fat that surrounds the internal organs of the human body can harm health and even lead to pathological conditions. The following tips: 1. Set a clear target The first step will be to set a clear target for specific fat, which you want to get rid of and motivate to do so. 2. Reduce calories Calorie deficiency is the way to achieve the goal if you want to lose weight. 3. Large muscle training It will be useful to focus when exercising on large muscle groups, as they will help to burn more calories. You can exercise squats, lifts, tightening legs, chest compressions and multiple other exercises. In this class of exercises, even if you don't train your abdominal muscles, they will help reduce accumulated fat. Abdominal training is important in the development of basic muscles. 4. Walk 12 A Step Walking for at least 12,000 steps every day contributes to buil

How to boost immune system

How to boost immune system All nutrients play a role in maintaining our health, besides the importance of fiber for digestion, the best list of foods that strengthen the immune system, the following: 1. Berries and strawberries Berries and strawberries supply the body with a lot of important vitamins and minerals, which protect cells from free radical damage, and berries contain plant chemicals known to promote heart health. 2. Beans and lobbies Beans and lobia are great sources of antioxidants and proteins, since they are low in cholesterol and rapid digestion, they are a good heart health friendly option. 3. Dark Chocolate Chocolate contains at least 70% cocoa, beneficial for the heart, mind and overall physical health. 4. Nut It contains low cholesterol and sodium but its antioxidant content, called polyphenol is high, and experts recommend eating about 30 grams of nuts per day. 5. Barley Barley is a traditional whole grain, which offers enormous health benefits, because it is r

Some drinks cause acne

Some drinks cause acne There are some common drinks, which can negatively affect the skin, so they should be avoided to keep acne at bay, as follows: 1. Sugary drinks Sugary drinks cause acne over time. Even drinks with low sugar content contain synthetic substances and tints harmful to human health. 2. Cocoa Drink Many enjoy a cocoa drink, but it may not be a suitable option for someone with acne. Chocolate contains milk and sugar, two ingredients that can exacerbate acne and cause an immune response to the microorganisms that cause it. 3. Soft drinks Soft drinks are a popular drink, but drinking soda or flavored soda water can damage skin health and cause acne. 4. Bovine milk While milk can be considered a healthy drink, it can cause acne to appear due to existing growth hormones. If the skin is susceptible to acne, the best to reduce the intake of bovine milk.

What is tinnitus

What is tinnitus Subjective tinnitus is the sound you hear in your head, but there is no external source of this sound. About one in 10 adults suffers from a disturbing sound, tinnitus or ringing in their ears. For some. Causes of tinnitus Sound occurs due to some internal functions of the body such as blood flow, but it accounts for about 1% of all cases. Other causes, which represent about 99%, are subjective tinnitus. In most cases, it is not possible to determine why some potential sources, such as: • Age-related hearing loss • Loss of hearing due to noise • Blocked middle ear due to earwax or foreign bodies • Trauma to the head or neck • Jaw temporal joint disorder (TMJ) • Sinus pressure due to cold, flu or sinus infection • Severe pressure changes caused by diving and snorkelling, flying, thunderous explosions, or brain injuries. • Some prescription medicines • A variety of medical conditions including hypertension, anemia and anxiety. The most likely cause is exposure to loud so

6 Causes of Foot Pain

It is the foot that carries us wherever we go and any pain or problem that affects the dependency on the whole body. It also impedes movement and prevents us from carrying out our daily tasks and activities, so care for the hygiene and comfort of the feet is absolutely essential. 1.Plantar fasciitis Plantar fascia is a group of connective tissue that arises on heel bones, extends along the soles of the foot towards the fingers to attach the heel to the toes, and causes inflammation of this fascia, which often occurs due to the wearing of inappropriate shoes, severe pain in the feet. 2.Flat Foot (Flat Foot) The lack of natural arch of the soles of the foot causes severe pain in the feet. This occurs temporarily for children and pregnant ladies, but it affects the elderly and people with diabetes. It is also transmitted by inheritance in other cases, and it is recommended to consult a doctor in these cases. 3.Spurs heel Tottenham heels or Spears heels as some call them are small bumps of